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    • Foundations of Intelligence Analysis
      How has intelligence analysis developed over the years? When did it start? While intelligence analysis usually pertains to the intelligence community and law enforcement, it's methods can be used in any level of civilian life as well. Business, economics, military and many other applications - is what intelligence analysis can be relevant to. One could even say we conduct some form of intelligence analysis or another in the very banal, everyday things we do, through unconscious psychological processes. Basic information processing via the five senses is one mode of intelligence analysis. Discuss.
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    • Applying Military Training to Civilian Life
      There is literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions of pages worth of military publications, research and material that has been published for public viewership, as well as declassified. Much of this is the combined experience of millions of soldiers and their respective specialties, fields and know-how to create more simplified informative material, gathered over the last several decades. The military is always one of the most serious organizations in any country. When all else fails, they are expected to keep everything together and fight off even the greatest threats, both internal and external. For this reason, they must be on point with their knowledge and experience. Much of this knowledge can be taken and reconfigured to apply more to civilian life. If the top business guru motivational speakers tell you that every CEO needs to read Sun Tzu's the Art of War, this falls within the same scope. Except Sun Tzu's timeless classic has been refined, over and over, much has been added to it, for specific purposes, with more modernity and specificity to what point there is to get across. Discuss.
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    • Economics and Business Analysis
      Economics and business have gone from the barter system of ancient times to an international, multi-sector intricate network of functions, processes, causes and effects, that are a multi-field academic discipline balancing statistics, mathematics, psychology, sociology, politics, finance, manufacturing, philosophy and many other fields. Their study is very complex but the knowledge of it is necessary. A person or organization who is well versed in economics has a much higher guaranteed likelihood of long term, financial success because they understand the financial world we live in and how it functions from the inside out. Many companies use business intelligence and analysis as part of their regular routine, especially when it comes to developing action plans for competitiveness. Discuss.
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    • Current Events
      Current events are a good indication of what may come. While what happens behind the scenes is always much more complicated and can factor in on how otherwise certain outcomes unfold, we tend to take current events as they are reported at face value. The problem with this approach is our analysis will be worthless and almost always be wrong. We therefore need to learn to read between the lines, as to what actually might be happening. The way news media might report on a current event might lead us to think in terms of totalities, even when given a myriad of things that might happen as a result from a panel of experts called on by a news media organization to discuss these current events and their implications. Looking between the lines is the most transparent approach to figuring out why something is the way it is, as only determining possibilities at face value as certainties will never allow us to keep up with twists and turns a current event might offer. Discuss.
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    • Border Zones
      Border zones between certain countries can be very active spots. While many are secured by military or law enforcement personnel, some sort of physical barrier such as fencing, or surveillance cameras and motion detectors, every year hundreds of thousands of people across the world cross borders illegally from one country into another, despite security precautions enacted by countries. Some are more active than others, for good reason. Whether it is for illegal crossing of migrants, drug trafficking, human trafficking, arms trafficking or any other reason, countries tend to have justifications for policing their borders. Here we explore potential hotspot crossings and the possible activity that can occur there. Discuss.
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    • Policing, Forensics, Investigations, Jurisprudence and the Criminal Justice System
      Here we will explore various methods and tactics used by police and law enforcement agencies around the world, including qualifications and requirements for police officers, vetting procedures, strategies to combat crime, modern and emerging forensic science techniques, investigations, data collection, evidence creation and processes, jurisprudence such as the philosophy of law, morality, ethics and ethical reasoning, logic, police discretion and humanity, the criminal justice system, penal theory, courts, prisons, rehabilitation, probation and parole, and many other aspects of the criminal justice system. Discuss.
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    • Criminal Intelligence
      Here we will explore criminals, criminal organizations, criminal behavior and anything in relations to how criminals think, function, and the reasoning, means, creativity, logic and justifications for what they do. In particular, we can explore criminal structures, how certain crimes are committed and the mostly psychological mind game behind it that allows criminals to exploit every day systems and processes, that allows them to get away with crimes. Discuss.
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    • Occultism and Metaphysics
      The more strange, niche segment of our website is that of occultism and metaphysics. Many logical thinkers such as scientists, lawyers, doctors, atheists and the like, might wonder why we even have this segment to begin with, in a website based on factual analysis and logic. That's okay - wonder all you want - this section is not meant for you, despite what you may think of the field, it won't make your opinions any more right and wrong than those of the sympathizers of this section. It is of a fascination for millions of people, and many major historical figures as well. We explore and analyze various occult fields, the rituals and metaphysical purpose and functioning of each. Why do ghosts knock over objects? Why are we scared of ghosts? Why do we assume all ghosts are evil? Is it to communicate with us? Isn't this a beautiful thing if it's that of a loved one? Why do different religions and occult fields have wide ranging rituals and expected outcomes, yet somehow at their core they are all inter-connected? Are demons just malevolent fifth dimensional beings? Why does disturbing the spirit world result in negative consequences? Why does their seemingly neutral existence result in malevolent and harmful actions in our third dimensional existence? Why do they feed on "fear" as an emotion? What is the metaphysical nature of "fear"? Does it generate some sort of energy that can be harnessed? If it is a negative and therefore destructive force, than how can it be harnessed for anything useful? Then again, we harvest billions of chickens every year for food, and the pain they go through is also a destructive force, yet to our benefit. The scientific questions in relation to religion and the occult - is what we will explore here. Discuss.
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